“Woven, Felted, Sculpted, and Crowned” by Rose Downs, Sioban Jones, crystal Yost, Vasanto, And Amelia Galvas
Presented by:
Rose Downs, Sioban Jones, christal Yost, Vasanto, And Amelia Galvas
Collaborations and individual works in textile arts in the time of covid.
A gathering of work, both individual and collaborative, representing the vast possibilities of creation with fiber.
Rose Downs:
Potter, spinner, and weaver
Siobian Jones:
Siobian has been a hair artist in the salon, theater, film,
and fine art photography industry for 20 years
Christal Yost:
Christal Yost has worked in many media over the years primarily building
sculptural works, and has focused on textile art for the last 10 years
Vasanto is a felter, spinner and dyer, weaver and ecoprinter, and all-around general fiber nerd.